Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Tuesday 24 May 2005

Los Molinos Rising at experientially


Los Molinos.

Rising at 06.30 (experientially 05.30 – yow!), sitting at 07.15, breakfast at 08.00.

At breakfast, a comment on GC "Levels": this does not, in any way, imply that anyone here is any better a person than any other. We are all in the same boat.

14.04 Meeting with Level One at 10.00 & adopting a different approach to beginning than the one I have used for 20 years.

Meeting with Level Two at 11.00 & addressing the escapology of C major. How easy it is for those little notes to slip from our grasp. How many notes are there in C major anyway? Evidence from this morning suggests, perhaps eleven.

At noon: a meeting with Hernan to address various global arisings.

A word used at the Inaugural Meeting last night, now has its definition on the board…

1340, from O.Fr. diligence "attention, care" from L. diligentia "attentiveness, carefulness," from diligentem (nom. diligens) "attentive, assiduous, careful," originally prp. of diligere "value highly, love, choose," from dis- "apart" + legere "choose, gather" (see lecture). Sense evolved from "love" through "attentiveness" to "carefulness" to "steady effort."

We have been considering an appropriate name for the Meeting Room, which is certainly not a Ballroom. At lunch the room was named by Hellboy Tom: The Hall of Diligence.

20.33 Alexander at 14.30 with Mariela; for myself, meetings with Level One at 14.30 & & Level Two at 17.15.

T'ai Chi at 18.00 followed by Quiet Time.

Comment over dinner: a Level One participant would like something new: a new exercise. They had experienced a widening of perspective today, in the Alexander class, and would like that in a guitar meeting. Suggestion in response: our widening of experience relates more to our own quality of experiencing than novelty in the subject/object of our experience. The specific example given was of counting in 5 & 7 – done that, what about another? So, a suggestion for widening the counting experience was this: clap 14 bars of 5/8 & 10 bars of 7/8; while counting 10 bars of 7/8 over the 14 bars of 5/8; and counting 14 bars of 5/8 over clapping the 10 bars of 7/8.

Good dessert.


This evening the groups & individuals are working from their own initiative.

